Education Template

Care Visit Analysis

Regina Masters
February 12, 2022

Moving About Freely

Results Score Ranges

Your score in this area of function suggests how well you are able to move about freely in a variety of common situations and environments.

Moving Around Indoors

"Your score suggests that you may be able to move about on the ground floor of your home where you are familiar with the environment. Activities that might be difficult to manage without assistance include sitting and standing from a low chair, climbing stairs, bending, kneeling or stooping. You may have some difficulty moving about outdoors and in the community."

Strenuous Recreation/Sports
Your score suggests a high level of independence in moving about both at home and in the community. You may be able to participate in most physical activities without much difficulty.

Moving Around Outdoors
"Your score suggests that you are able to walk inside your home and other buildings without any difficulty. You may be able to move about outdoors without any limitations. You should be able to bend over and pick up things without much difficulty. Activities that might be difficult to manage without assistance include climbing a full flight of stairs, bending, kneeling or stooping. Vigorous activities such as playing sports or walking several miles may be very difficult to complete."

Moving Around Indoors
"Your score suggests that you may be able to move about on the ground floor of your home where you are familiar with the environment. Activities that might be difficult to manage without assistance include sitting and standing from a low chair, climbing stairs, bending, kneeling or stooping. You may have some difficulty moving about outdoors and in the community."

Limited Mobility Indoors
"Your score suggests significant difficulty in moving about independently and the need for assistance. You may be able to move about in a small area of your home that has been adapted to eliminate safety hazards. You may have difficulty moving from a sitting to standing position, climbing stairs and you may have a great deal of difficulty moving about outdoors and in the community."

Limited Movement
"Your score suggests you may have a lot of difficulty or are unable to get out of your bed, to stand for several minutes and/or to walk short distances. You might have some difficulty completing the most basic mobility tasks including repositioning yourself in bed."

Performing Daily Tasks

Results Score Ranges

Your score in this area suggests how well you are able to perform common daily tasks such as feeding, grooming, dressing, bathing yourself and basic housekeeping.

Daily Tasks are a Struggle

Your score suggests that you may experience significant struggles with performing most daily tasks. You may have significant difficulties in getting dressed and bathed. Tasks that require fine motor skills such as buttoning a shirt or tying your shoes may be too difficult to complete.

On Your Own
"Your score suggests that you may not be having any difficulty completing the daily tasks of bathing, dressing, grooming and eating independently."

Getting Things Done
"Your score suggests that you may require some assistance with housekeeping and laundry, but otherwise you may be able to complete daily tasks of bathing, dressing, grooming and eating independently without much difficulty."

Difficult Activities
"Your score suggests some difficulty in the ability to perform daily tasks. You may be struggling with things such as bathing and dressing. Housekeeping tasks may be too difficult for you to perform. They may experience some difficulties with your fine motor skills such as buttoning clothes, using utensils and combing your hair."

Daily Tasks are a Struggle
Your score suggests that you may experience significant struggles with performing most daily tasks. You may have significant difficulties in getting dressed and bathed. Tasks that require fine motor skills such as buttoning a shirt or tying your shoes may be too difficult to complete.

No Independent Tasks
Your score suggests daily tasks that require fine motor skills may cause considerable difficulty to the extent that you may be unable to complete them. Bathing and dressing may be so difficult that you may be unable to complete these tasks without assistance. You may be able to feed and groom yourself but with difficulty. You may be unable to tie your shoes or button your shirt.

Managing Life Skills

Results Score Ranges

Your score in this area suggests how well you are able to communicate and socialize with others. This includes complex tasks such as reading, managing money, using the telephone and other tasks that require organized thinking, memory and attention.

Minor Difficulties

"The score suggests that you may have some difficulties that are noticed by people who know you well. Difficulties may arise in communicating with others, e.g. carrying on a conversation in a crowded restaurant. Reading and carrying out complicated tasks such as preparing a meal, looking up numbers or names in an address book, or managing a checkbook may also be a challenge."

On Your Own
"The score suggests that you may be able to complete complex tasks such as reading a newspaper, counting money, using a phone and having a conversation with another person without difficulty. You might be able to complete multi-step activities such as following a recipe or completing an insurance form without difficulty."

On the Move
"The score suggests that you may be able to complete complex tasks such as reading a newspaper, counting money, using a phone and having a conversation with another person without difficulty. You might have some difficulty in completing multi-step activities such as following a recipe or completing an insurance form."

Minor Difficulties
"The score suggests that you may have some difficulties that are noticed by people who know you well. Difficulties may arise in communicating with others, e.g. carrying on a conversation in a crowded restaurant. Reading and carrying out complicated tasks such as preparing a meal, looking up numbers or names in an address book, or managing a checkbook may also be a challenge."

Communication Limitations
"The score suggests that difficulties may be apparent to all of those who interact with you. These difficulties may include a decline in expressive communication skills and reading. You may need assistance in carrying out the tasks that require memory and organization such as managing money, food shopping, food preparation and filling out a form."

Limited Applied Cognitive Skills
"The score suggests you may have a lot of difficulty or are not able to complete tasks such as using a phone, reading printed material and having a conversation. You may not be able to communicate regarding topics that involve recent memory, attention or organized thought."