ACT Maintain Rules

List of Home Monitoring Rules

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Bathroom Safety Night Time notification of excessive time spent in bathroom!
(Start time: 00:10)
REMIND 60 Bathroom use for over 60 minutes!
WARNING Bathroom use for over 90 minutes!
Start Day Warning Concerned because NOT UP and ABOUT at Usual Time
(Start time: 07:00)
REMIND 90 Over an hour and 1/2 later than Normal wake up time


Main Access Door Lock Main Access Door Lock left open for at least 1/2 an hour!
REMIND 30 Main Access Door unlocked for over 30 minutes
Garage Door Garage Door left Open for at least a 1/2 an hour!
REMIND 30 Garage Door open for over 30 minutes


Morning Meds Reminders Morning Meds Reminders
(Start time: 08:00)
REMIND 9:30 Morning Medications Reminder
WARNING 10:00 Morning Medications Not Taken WARNING
ALERT 11:00 Morning Medications Not Taken ALERT
MISSED 12:00 Missed Morning Medications
PAVLOV 9:30 Light ON / OFF when taken or missed
Bedtime Meds Reminders Bedtime Meds Reminders
(Start time: 21:30)
REMIND 22:00 Bedtime Medications Reminder
WARNING 22:30 Bedtime Medications Not Taken WARNING
ALERT 23:30 Bedtime Medications Not Taken ALERT
MISSED 23:30 Missed Bedtime Medications
PAVLOV 22:00 Light ON / OFF when taken or missed
Afternoon Meds Reminders Afternoon Meds Reminders
(Start time: 18:00)
REMIND 18:30 Afternoon Medications Reminder
WARNING 19:00 Afternoon Medications Not Taken WARNING
ALERT 19:30 Afternoon Medications Not Taken ALERT
MISSED 20:00 Missed Afternoon Medications
PAVLOV 18:30 Light ON / OFF when taken or missed
Pill Box Opened Pill Box has been opened Notification
(Start time: 22:00)
REMIND 1 Pill Box has been Opened

Notification Rule Activities

History listing of the Notification Rules / Alerts sent to Careteam for support of elder.

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Cras Felis Ante Facilisis Vel

Pellentesque consectetur faucibus sapien, dignissim malesuada purus hendrerit gravida. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean varius tristique augue eget imperdiet. Quisque dapibus velit vel risus ultrices in lacinia quam pulvinar. Aliquam id justo magna.


Dictum at Feugiat Quis Diam Sed

Post Image

Donec fermentum molestie odio, ac rutrum lacus molestie sed. Maecenas eu enim id ipsum auctor blandit a ac felis. Suspendisse placerat quam diam, vitae tempor sem. Proin malesuada metus sem, pretium auctor ipsum. Nam eget sem justo, vel faucibus nisi.


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